Sunday 3 December 2017

North Korea: Emerging as a threat to the world

North Korea has been drawing flak from international community due to its aggressive nuclear weapon proliferation program for last many months.

On 4th of July, North Korea successfully tested Hwasong-14,which is its 1st ICBM (Inter Continental Ballistic Missile) which flew over the Japan, creating the tension in East Asia.

Yet in another incident, on 29th of November, North Korea successfully tested Hwasong-15, which is deadliest of all. This was launched from pyongyang, its capital, and flew for 50 minutes before landing into sea of Japan.

In last one year, North Korea under its supreme leader  Kim Jong Un has successfully tested more than 80 short range and long range ballistic missiles including some with very high range such as Hwasong-14 and Hwasong-15.

Despite sanctions by UN and its historical rivals (USA, South Korea and Japan) and criticism by the world, Kim kept its Nuclear Missile development program ignited.

Throughout the world speculations are high that any time there may be a nuclear war.

Let's have a close look at its geographical location and understand why North Korea wants to be a nuclear power and why it threatens USA and South Korea.

North Korea shares its border with South Korea,China and Russia as shown in map above.

Why North Korea hates USA and South Korea?

After the world war 2, The whole world was divided into two worlds, one was Western world(NATO countries) and other was Eastern world( USSR).
So there were two super powers:
1) USA along with its allies and
2) USSR(Russia and others)

As shown in above map First world means
USA and its allies, Second world means USSR and its allies.
Third world means parties not involved in this cold war.

These super powers wanted to control the complete world, that's why they started fighting with each other. Though they did not wage a war directly with each other but they fought many proxy wars means they, through their allies, fought with each other.

Many countries were in direct control of these super powers.  Korea was one of them. Northern part of Korea was controlled by USSR and Southern part was under the Control of USA and its allies.
So that's how Korea got divided into two parts.

In 1950, There was a proxy war between Northern​ Korea(USSR ally) and Southern​ Korea( USA ally) which lasted till 1953. After the war, as no one could conquer over other. With the intervention of UN, a boundary was drawn  between them which is called as 38th parallel creating two countries North Korea and South Korea.
Only boundary was drawn but no peace treaty happened at that time.
Means technically they two are still at war.

South Korea is still an ally of USA, That's why USA remains in hostility with North Korea.

Why North Korea keeps developing nukes?

They think that nuclear weapon is a golden sword. They must have it otherwise they will not be in the map of world. As Kim feels insecure that Seoul and Washington may overpower Pyongyang which will result in unification of North and South Korea. And their would be complete control of South Korea.
So, in order to keep its enemies at bay North Korea keeps developing nukes.

As Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un keep hurling abuses at each other. At any time there may be a nuclear war which not only will affect these countries but will also affected the entire world.

Possible solutions to the problem:

1) USA and other nations may keep forcing North Korea for disarmament by applying sanctions on it.
But this solution has failed as already USA has put many sanctions on it. They did nothing but provoked Kim to make more nukes.

2) USA should recognize North Korea as a nuclear power and then start negotiating with it. And should assure that South Korea will not be at war with it.
But here too is a problem. If USA gave recognition to it, then relations of USA with its ally South Korea will be in turmoil.
And then their will be instability in South Korea.

3) There in North Korea, people should raise their voice against atrocities of Kim.
Their should be rebalion through out the country to mark an end to his era.

So if any how internally people are going against Kim government, then only this all may come to an end.

Some basic definitions:

ICBM: These are those ballistic missiles which can travel more than 5500 kms that's why are called inter continental missiles.
Ballistic missiles have the ability to carry nuclear warhead over long distances.

NPT (Non Proliferation Treaty): If a country signs this treaty means it agrees to not to proliferate nukes.

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization): This is a group of 29 countries most of them are European.
NATO was established in 1949 during cold war.

Some basic facts:

North Korea capital : Pyongyang
South Korea' s capital : Seoul
Collapse of USSR: 1991.

Phrases of the day:

1) To draw Flakes: To attract criticism.

2) To keep someone/something at bay see: To prevent someone from causing you problems.

Word of the day:

1) Proliferate : to increase something in number/ to start accumulating something at faster rate.