Thursday 12 October 2017

Brexit Referendum Issue

Britain newly elected prime minister Theresa May has asked EU(European Union) to foster trade between EU and Britain till they are the part of Union.They will be the part of European Union(EU) for the next two years(till 2019) then it will get separated from the EU due to Brexit Referendum which was held on 23rd of june 2016.
Let's have a look at what is Brexit?Why was it interested in leaving the EU.
Before we move on to answers to these questions​,let's first understand geographical location of Britain and understand what is EU and where is its location?

Britain ,also called as UK(United Kingdoms), is an island in North Western Europe.
UK is made up of Scotland,England, Wales and Northern part of​ Ireland that's why it is called United Kingdom.

European Union

There are 28 countries of Europe in EU.
European Union was made in order to
1) Increase trade among its member countries and to make free movement of people and goods without any restriction
2)To avoid wars in Europe.

This was successful Union as can be understood by the fact that in 2004 they launched Euro as new currency.
Moreover,over the time the economy of these countries have flourished.

But if a country is a member of EU then
1)It will not be a sovereign state. Because if EU and any of its member country has got conflicting rules​ for the same thing  say trading,then EU rules will be enforced.
2)Each member country will have to pay a membership fees to EU.

What is Brexit?

Britain wanted to exit from EU from the very long time. Therefore, In Britain a party named as UKIP(United Kingdom Independent Party) started campaigning for getting a exit from Britain.Media named this as Brexit(in which Br means Britain and Exit means to leave).

Why UK decided to leave EU?

1)Their membership fees was around 13 billion euro and they were getting only 6 billion euro.
All member countries have different membership​ fees depending upon their economies.
So due to this small economies were getting profited​ where as large economies were suffering.
2) Their trade especially fishing was being affected as fisherman from other areas of Europe were coming to do fishing.

3)UK wanted to cut the number of immigrants from its country from 3,30,000 to 1,00,000 but EU rules did not permit UK to do that.
So immigration was one of the biggest issue for UK to go for Brexit.

Basics of Brexit referendum

The referendum was held to take vote from the citizens of UK to know whether they want to stay in or want to leave EU.
So there were two campaigns launched Stay Campaign and Leave Campaign.The referendum was held on 23rd June 2016 and its results were declared on the next day of voting.
In which 52% people supported Exit campaigning and wanted to exit from EU and 48% wanted to be part of EU.

Is UK still a part of EU?

Yet Majority that is 52% people supported for exit yet it is still part of the EU, because in order to get separated from EU,member country need to tell EU two years before it leaves according to Lisbon treaty of 2009 of European Union.

UK informed EU on 29 March 2017 about its exit. So legally it is bound to get separated after two years(that is on 29 March 2019).

Aftereffects of Brexit Referendum

1)As you can see in the map above that northern Ireland and Scotland(in blue color) voted to stay in EU.But majority that is 52% voted to exit which is against Scotland wish that's why Scotland has threatened UK to get separated from it. 
2) After Brexit value of UK pound came down.

All over the world referendums are going,
Some of these referendums which currently happened are:
1) Catalonia Referendum
2) Scotland Referendum 
3) Kurdistan Referendum

Some facts about UK

1)Capital - London which is called economic hub of the world.
2)Current PM-Theresa May
3) Previous PM- David Cameron

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