Wednesday 4 October 2017

Catalonia Issue

Catalonia is a Northeastern​ state in Spain(europe), recently Catalonia  hold a referendum on 1st of October to get separated​  from Spain.This referendum was hold illegal by Spain government as Spain doesn't want Catalonia to get separated.And on the day of voting, to carve out a separate country out of Spain,cruelty was shown by the Spain's police in order to cancel the referendum but at some places people could cast their votes successfully.
Out of the total voters who casted their votes 40% said yes to make Catalonia a separate state.Now see what happens next whether it will become a separate state or not?

why does Catalonia want to be separated?
 Catalonian think that major portion of Spain's economy comes from Catalonia but that much development is not coming in Catalonia.
It is being distributed among other states of Spain.
Spain government at center claims that if Catalonia becomes a separate country then it will no more be the part of European Union. And therefore,​ its economy will also suffer.Spain leader further said that its economy is only because of the fact that it is the part of Spain which in turn is part of European Union.
Some facts about Catalonia
1)Bercelona is the city in Catalonia and is the second largest city after Madrid(Spain's capital)
2)Barcelona is also called economic hub of European Union.
3)The economy of Catalonia is more than  that of Portugal.
4)It's population is 7.2 million.
5)It shares it's maritime boundary with Atlantic ocean.

Word of the day

Referendum: to take the opinion​ of people for a general question by voting.

fact of the day

European Union is group of 28 European countries out of which 19 use euro as their currency and others use their own currency,this Union was made to provide easy movement of goods and people among its member Nations.

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