Thursday 5 October 2017

China's conflicts with India

From last many days, doklam issue is in news,so let's understand it,first see its geographical location,in the map above it is the trijunction  area among three countries which are india,China and Bhutan. India's Sikkim state shares its border with Nepal and the doklam plateau.
Doklam plateau is a disputed land between China and Bhutan,and when China started constructing a road in this disputed land,India ordered​ its troops to stop the construction due to this the armies of two Asian Giants were at daggers drawn with each other. 
So,what was the reason that India ordered its troops to interfere in the boundary dispute of others namely between Bhutan and China,because India's interests were at stake specially its security,as there are already lots of ongoing conflicts between India and China Such as border disputes​ for  Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh which even led to India China  war in 1962,besides this there are always conflicts due to dominance over Indian ocean, as can be seen by China aggression in developing many ports in Indian ocean region,such as hambantota port and many more. The another issue is , When China annexed Tibet in late 1959 ,Tibetan​ leader Dalai Lama fled to India and started living here in India and carried a protest against China and ran a government in exile from India which China hates alot.
So,if China constructs a road there in doklam plateau there will be serious security concerns for India,as China will get the control of India chicken's neck and then at the time of war(because of the conflicts b/w two), if any happens,due to continuous aggression of China towards India,China can easily break our connectivity with our seven sisters that is with our eastern states,and can annex them,So for security concerns India went for a stand off with China to meet its security goals.
Before BRICS summit which was to be held in China from 3rd to 5th of September,just few days before it, China and India negotiated to pull back their armies at the doklam plateau for peacefully resolving the issue and to maintain the smooth proceedings  at summit which happens once in a year,but after the summit again China's PLA(People's Liberation Army) has started strengthening their army at doklam,now see what happens next.​  

Phrase of the day-
1)To be at daggers drawn:to be in the state of open hostility.

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