Friday 6 October 2017

Rohingyas Issue


United Nations addresses the Rohingyas as the most persecuted minority of the world.
They are the people who from their birth are rejected by their country and are not given citizenship.These unfortunate people from their birth are denied basic rights that we all enjoy today such as freedom of movement,freedom of speech,power to vote and equal treatment.They, in their own country,are called outsiders and are discriminated by the Buddhist majority.Moreover, when these people started to leave their country and fled to the neighbouring countries,they were not welcomed there also.Let's have a look at their geographical location to understand 
Who they are?
Rohingyas are the people of southwestern Rakhine state of Myanmar where about 1 million of them are living.This year on 25th of August a group named ARSA(Arakan Rohingyas Salavation Army)  attacked military camp and police posts demanding a separate state for Rohingyas.This group is targeting military camps since 2016.In retaliation, Myanmar government declared this group as a terror outfit.Myanmar's army carried a massive attack in Rakhine state to kill rohingyas which was termed as ethnic cleansing of Rohingyas by the world.After this brutality and mass genocide they started finding shelters in other countries such as Bangladesh,Thailand and India.
Why are the Rohingyas denied citizenship?
The reason is that their government considers them as the people of Bangladesh who fled to Myanmar during colonial rule when conflicts were going on there​ in Bangladesh.
Where are the Rohingyas now?
They have made a mass exodus(87k in Bangladesh alone)​ from Rakhine state to Cox's Bazar of Bangladesh and have come to India's northeastern states.
Why is India thinking to deport them?
Till now, 40k Rohingyas have come to India.They were given shelter and food under the operation Insaniyat. 
Even though​, we are not legally bound to provide them shelter​,yet we gave them for dignifying  humanity.
But they may be a grave security concerns for us.As these people can join any terror groups​ in order to earn easy money.Besides, we have unemployment problem,food problem and currently our economy is also suffering.
What is the solution?
All the major countries and international organizations(such as UN) should come together and must build pressure on Myanmar to accept these people as their own.
They should be granted basic rights there and should not be discriminated on the basis of their ethnicity.
You can also tell all the possible measures which must be taken to tackle the situation by giving your suggestions in comment box.

Some facts about Myanmar

1)Capital- Naipyidow
2) Leader- Aung San Suu Kyi
3) Language-Burmese

Words of the day
Exodus-when many people depart together.
Ethnic cleansing-when people of same ethnicity are killed in very large number.

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